Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Last Day At OCI

Well its my last day of school, weird. When I first started school in January (2011) it felt like it would never end. Slow moving but fast at the same time. Whats weird is my classes went by fast. I really enjoyed my classes and learning more about baking and pastry. It was easy for me to go to school every Monday-Friday because I was learning about things I enjoyed and wanted to learn more about. But classes where challenging (baking and pastry classes) and I really enjoyed that. I will definitely  miss OCI and the people I have meet here. Its been a fun year. But I am excited to leave because I get to start my new job. A new journey in my life.

Last Day in Oregon!

Well today is my last day in Oregon. Wow! I never thought this day would come. Moving to Wyoming always felt like a dream. When ever I though about Moving to Wyoming it felt like I was on a treadmill. Moving forward but never getting closer to the moving date. Even when I would see the days count down on my phone, I still couldn't get it in my head that I was leaving. Well, I am now.

I don’t even know what to fell right now, excited, nervous, scared, I have no idea. The unknown is so extreme. I will finally be an adult, I guess. Once I get to Wyoming I will start my “grown up” job. That scares me a little bit. Because after living away from my parents and having an apartment of my own I have gotten a feel for being an adult and I don’t really like it. I mean I do like growing up, but I don’t like paying my bills, well, mainly worrying about paying my bills each month. But God has always given me enough money to pay my bills, each month without fail. I don’t know why I worry about it still. God has always come through for me. He has never let me down and He never will. But I still can’t not worry about little things like money and its frustrating. I am tired of worrying. I wish that I would just turn the “worry switch” off.

All Packed Up!

Today we moved all my stuff out of the living room and into the Uhaul. It was fun packing up all my stuff, makes me more excited to move. When my Mom first saw all of my things piled up in the corner of the living room, she didn't think it would all fit into the Uhaul. But it did and I knew it would. 

My Dad packed everything into the Uhaul, he’s the best packer I know. He does a very efficient job at packing. He finds the little nooks and crannies and puts boxes in them or pictures, stuff that just fits. It was fun to watch everything fit into the trailer. To clarify, we didn’t put everything in there because we didn’t want them more fragile things to break. Like my big picture and some lamps. But that is okay we have two cars to fill up, if we need to. Now all thats left is to finish packing up my clean clothes and bathroom stuff and finish my last day of school. It is all happening so fast!


My parents arrived Sunday night to help me move and they brought a Uhaul (they brought a bed for my brother). I was so excited to see them. I hadn't seen them since Christmas. I never liked being two days drive away from them and it will be nice to be closer.

Now I can’t wait to see LaGrange, the school and the kitchen I will be working in. I have always been wondering how God was going to use my career choice for His glory. I always thought, ‘I am a baker, I make food that makes people fat. How will God use that?’ I never in a million years thought that He would bring me to Frontier and to be there kitchen manager. Crazy cool! Sometimes Gods opportunities surprises you, maybe thats how we know its what He planned for us. Something so cool and sometimes out of the blue that it has to be from God. 

I am so thankful for my new job and time to get away from the city and to be around believers again. When you are looking from the outside in on a group of true Christians, its hard to understand whats going on. We have a special bond, before we meet each other and that comes out when we are together. No matter who you are. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Last Day of Work!

My last day of work was this past Friday. It was an awkward day. Everyone I worked with, well almost everyone, kept looking at me with big sad eyes. It was pretty close to awful. It also made my job harder. Even though it was my last day I still had work todo. Customers to take care of and product to work out onto the sales floor. I had to stop every ten minutes and either say good bye to someone or acknowledge that they were giving me the sad face. Which is awkward and annoying when you are trying to ring a customer up.

I don’t like to say goodbye to people. Mainly because I don’t like to hug people. Now, I don’t mind hugging my family and close friends, but other than that I really don’t want to hug you. It’s not that I don’t like you, I just don’t like to touch people or have them touch me. Yes, I know thats weird (for some people). I also don’t like to acknowledge the fact that I might never see you again. Which I don’t think main people do, so thats not so weird. 

In my case its also exciting to say goodbye. I am on to “bigger and better” things, moving up in the world (if you will). Saying goodbye means that I am leaving. Starting a new chapter in my life. But it is also sad to leave friends behind. Eventually we all move on someday, right?


I have always wanted to be a Missionary, ever since I was little. When I was younger I would read books about Missionaries in different countries and would think their lives where so cool and exciting. I never thought that I would be a Missionary and in the States. When ever I thought about being a Missionary it was always in a different country. That's what my brain always associated a "Missionary" was; someone who serves God over seas. But that is not always true. God still needs Missionaries here in the States. Whether its to serve people in need or in my case people studying to go into ministry fields.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Count Down

I have been counting down the days until I leave for Wyoming. Today I realized that it was bad idea. I will be leaving in a week. I had a slight panic attack, now it wasn't that bad. I started thinking about what I will be doing first and that's meeting new people and having to make friends. Now I don't know about you but I don't like to meet new people. Meeting a new person here and there is not bad. But meeting a community of people. Coming in and being the outsider, doesn't sound fun to me. It wouldn't be so bad if it was the beginning of the school year, because I wouldn't be the only new person. But I am coming in, at the end of the year and everyone there already knows everyone and they have formed clicks. I know that in a few weeks it will be alright and I will have made friends and start to get a hang of how things run around the school, so I can't wait for that.

Its also a good thing that I am counting the days. Because then the 14th doesn't just sneak up on me and then I am not prepared to move at all. But it gets me thinking and worrying about the little that could go wrong or like I said meeting new people. I was thinking that I would only worry about stuff during the drive to LaGrange, then I would have only been worrying a day or two, not a whole week. Not much I can do about that now.

Its also fun to count down the days. It reminds me, everyday that something exciting is coming. I don't really know how things will play out, but I do know that it will be fun and probably challenging. No it will be challenging. But that's okay something to change up my boring life. Now I am getting excited again. Panic attack over. Hopefully I won't have another and I won't worry so much about the what ifs. There is not much I can do about them anyway and worrying never helps.